Note: This post contains salesforce interview questions which I encountered during my interviews recently (2021).
Set 3:
Technical Round:
- Assume there is Account which can have many opportunities and each opportunity will have many quotes. How to design map where key is AccountID and value is respective quotes.
- There are three objects Policy, Transaction and Receipt and One Policy can have many truncations and each traction can have receipts. In UI we need to show Each policy and also respective truncations and Receipts.
- Can we have more than one parent -child inner query in single SOQL query. (Like Account>Opportunity>Quotes)
- When we have 1 Lakh records updating, Will trigger be able to process all the records.
- SOQL query limit in test class.
- Manager is not able to see his subordinate records. What are all the reasons might be there
- Can we remove role hierarchy for standard objects?
- Sales process, support process is on which objects and what are they.
- Which design pattern you use for Apex.
- SOQL limit in Apex and Async Apex.
- Maximum size of List we can use per truncation.
- DML limit for Sync and Async.
- There are two LWC’s A &B which are present in two tabs. On click on A LWC user needs to navigate to B which is in other tab.
- Recent update for @track in winter 21
- How to test LWC
- If there is a validation rule which fires if amount equals to 100 it will throw error message and there also workflow rule if amount greater than 1000, field will be updated to 100.Now if user enters 1100 will validation rule will fire.
- When we write after delete trigger and If we throw error In after delete, will record get deleted?
All The Bestπππ
Great site, I've read a few of your pieces already, and I really enjoy your writing style.